Tuesday 19 January 2010

Something To Tide You Over

Hello folks. I'm taking some time out from the internet at the moment, so this will probably be my last blog entry in January. Stop the tears, please.

Something on my stat-porn just caught my eye and made me laugh though, and thought I'd share it with you all. Some chap from Holland visited a particular entry, and then ran the page through an English/Dutch translation website. Yes, I can see your Exit Pages. Anyway, the results of these translations are quite amusing.

The first bit of my "About Me" section now reads as:

Ik ben een aarzelen, egoïstisch, sarcastisch nerd. Ik ben licht geobsedeerd met Ana Ivanovic, Dido en Manchester United.

And how about some of the blog titles that are on my blog list?

"What rhymes with Lauren, apart from the word foreign?" now becomes "Wat rijmt met Lauren, afgezien van het woord buitenland?"

"Ramblings of a half-hearted optimist" now becomes "Ramblings van een halfslachtige optimist"

"Cynical Ben" now becomes "Cynisch Ben" which sounds so much better.

And "Sue's Blog" now becomes............................. "Sue's Blog".

Thankyou, Dutch friend!

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