Wednesday 22 April 2009

The Carousel

Recently I've been encouraging as many people as I possibly can to buy the first series of Mad Men on DVD, so that they too can enjoy a fantastic TV show which does not get the praise or the viewers it deserves over here. To encourage anyone who hasn't seen the show before, and would like to give it a go, here's a peek at my favourite scene from Season 1. Turn the volume up, put it in full screen, and enjoy.

(I'm not sure too much background info is needed, but if you want it: Don and a select few from Stirling Cooper are in a meeting with the people at Kodak, pitching to them how they can sell their new slide projector. Don initially thinks it should be called The Wheel, but then has a different idea...)

If it wasn't for the continuity error that I always notice between 3:08-3:10 (look at Harry closely) than this would be utter perfection. Now go and buy the DVD, for Don Draper's sake.

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